Jacque Palu

Jacque Palu



About Coach

I am a Mother of four, a Wife, a self proclaimed stand up comedian (with stage fright), a retired cosmetologist and on a journey to find my healthiest and happiest self. I Graduated Highschool in 2010 from a small town in western Nebraska then moved to Iowa and attended Beauty School in Sioux Falls. Once I graduated I moved to yankton with my daughter. I loved every bit of my profession because I was able to be creative but also form bonds that I will cherish forever. After six years at my salon I was pregnant with twins and feeling burnt out. I took a step back to focus on my growing family and also my mental health. I am blessed with my four children ages 13,5,5, 2 ½ and I'm so happy I have given them all the time and love in my soul the last 5 ½ years. I would always start programs at home but had a hard time holding myself accountable. That all changed in October of 2022 as my health took a big nose dive and I ended up being diagnosed with a condition called IIH (idiopathic intracranial hypertension). My vision was greatly affected, I suffered terrible migraines multiple days a week and it was hard to do any basic daily chores. I had to have a spinal tap to drain all the excess spinal fluid and after I recovered I told myself I could not go one more month or year living and feeling that way again. Not even a week later an ad popped up on fb for a no sweat intro and I immediately signed up. It has been the best decision for myself and I'm so thankful to now have the opportunity to step into the role of helping other women find their strength and health as well.

Turning Point

Motivation & Passion

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